Friday November 25, marked a truly exceptional moment for the Jamaica College Key Club as we officially handed over $100,000 to the Jamaica Cancer Society.

During the month of October, the Jamaica College Key Club set out on a mission to raise One Hundred Thousand Dollars for the Jamaica Cancer Society and did exactly that. We trust that this donation will contribute to the treatment and care of cancer patients and we will continue striving to support this cause to our best ability in the future.
We thank everyone who purchased a ribbon, donated or contributed in anyway possible and to our amazing Keyclubers that raised money in their classes and communities in support of this cause.
We would also like to give a special thanks to Miss. Rudolph Blake, for playing a key role in this Breast and Prostate Cancer Awareness and fundraising movement.
The Jamaica College Key Club makes it our priority to make a positive impact in our community, school and ultimately, our nation.
Fervet Opus In Campis, Work is Burning in the Field.
Caring, Our Way of Life