Theme: “I’m a God-guided youth: Living bold and strong”
Day of Reflection for the 2nd form students
Scripture: Joshua 1:9 – I now command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
2nd form students visit churches on Hope Road Vicinity.

Invite the young men to start a Journal. For this journal they will be asked to perform at least 3 acts of kindness inside of the school community (without fanfare or advising anyone that this is their act of kindness). They will thereafter record:
- Record the specific acts of kindness
- Reflect on and record the difference the act(s) made in theirs and the receivers’ life (i.e. what new thing did he learn about himself; how comfortable or uncomfortable; how much strength of character or effort it took to really undertake the tasks; will he do it again and why)
- Ask form teachers to dedicate one form session to the young men sharing what their acts of kindness were and their resolution afterwards and why.
Speech/Presentation Format:
- Begin with a centering activity.
- Have the students repeat the verse “Be still and know that I am God” dropping of a word on each occasion until we are left with the word BE (the verse should be chorused about 8 times):
“Be still and know that I am God”
“Be still and know that I am …”
“Be still and know that I …”
“Be still and know that …”
“Be still and know …”
“Be still and …”
“Be still…”
“Be …”
The aim of the task is to help students get in touch with their/your true self; your spiritual self.

Introduce the Johari Window. (Speak about the JOHARI Window)
- The top left hand quadrant is our open area, (green) a place known by self and known by others
- The bottom left hand quadrant is our hidden area,(light blue) unknown by others but known to the self
- The top right hand quadrant is our blind spot, (yellow) unknown by self but known by others
- The bottom right hand quadrant is unknown by self and unknown by others (red). It is that area known by God that we need to discover through settings like these, along with the hidden and blind areas that come through interaction with others.
This leads us to our theme today, which calls for a living out of spiritual values in order to have a purposeful life, one that is filled with integrity because our private life meets our public life.
The Speaker presents for 15 minutes on the theme: “I’m a God-guided youth: Living bold and strong”.
The Panel discussion follows and then a 30 minutes period of question and answers facilitated by a panel of 3 persons.