November 6, 2019 was the date that marked the start of, what always promised to be, an amazing feat.
Many were called but few were chosen and the battle line drawn. The prowess the young blues have shown proves that they have become formidable foes – Academically speaking.
Day one saw in contention teams such as 1C, 1A, 1H and 1F.
See reports from the ring side.

Watch Here-Match A
Watch Here-Match B
JC Quiz on in the Teacher’s Conference Room
A great start today, and so commendation is extended to all classes who participated today.
Match 1:
1A 6pts vs 1H 27pts
Match 2:
1C 26pts vs 1F 11 pts
Congratulations to 1H and 1C have advanced to the Semifinals. Better luck next term 1A and 1F.
We wait with bated breathe to see the matches with our other young blue bloods. Who will it be? Who will be crowned the term 1 2019 First form quiz champion.