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Supporting JC

If you wish to help, how can you?

How Can I Make A Donation?

Donating to the Jamaica College Foundation is simple – you can make your donations by:

Online Payment:

You will need a paypal account along with a credit card.

By Cheque

Make Checks payable to The Jamaica College Foundation and mail to:
189 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6 Jamaica, WI. 
Please include your Name, Address, Email, Telephone and Year of Graduation.

Direct Deposit

Please call us at (876) 970 – 1817 or (954) 381 – 3019 to arrange Direct Deposits

Donations Are Tax Deductable

In the USA:

Donations are collected by The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida and will be forwarded directly to the Jamaica College Foundation and qualify for U.S. tax exempt status.

In Jamaica:

The Jamaica College Foundation is an approved charity under sections 12(h) and 13(1)(q) of the Income Tax Act – Donations are tax deductible.

email Noel Brown at