It started in November 2022, the whisper of JC bringing back an end of year hurrah. Is this for real or just a thought? At the devotion where the student leaders of Jamaica College were presented to the school cohort, the first BLUE RUSH teaser was presented by Justin Campbell, the school captain.

On the left is the picture of the Jamaica College Student leaders for 2022-2023
Click on the image for the Blue Rush announcement video.
Starting with ‘Early bird’ priced tickets, the hum of Blue Rush begun. Students, teachers and even parents started to get excited about the JC event of the season for the students. There were other events on campus that targeted parents, staff and even the outer community but this event was being organized primarily by the students, for the students.
The promotion bubbled on the Instagram (bluerush.jc) pages, announcing, one at time…the DJs that would be present on the day.

Fliers were made and distributed. Posters placed in strategic places. A board poster was made and students from not only JC but from neighbouring schools and a number of girl schools, added their words of “don’t miss this event!” … see the IG for more.
Call for parent and staff volunteers were successful. The support guaranteed the success. No alcohol, respect and orderly behaviour was the call from the school captain. 6 to 11 pm full of fun, dance and music. Tremendous work from the school captain (Justin Campbell) and his team, resulted in a great event. Parents, staff, students all pleased. See the pictures and a flashback video below. Pictures taken by lushentertainment.

Justin and his team did well. The session ended promptly and all students returned home safely after a night to remember. The Principal was pleased to share that Justin is a good leader and he kept his word to having the terms and conditions adhered to. Which included the premises clear by midnight. Parents also commented on the well executed event. Some parents who stayed for the event had only good things to report. Good job guys! See you again next year.
(Click on the image to left for the recap video)
Reported by D. MacGregor-Bromfield – December 27, 2022