Jamaica Day at Jamaica College
Jamaica Day, which is now an annual event, only began to be celebrated May 2002. The idea is to maintain a cultural awareness. There are so many items, foods, and cultural practices in Jamaica that we find that the children who are growing in this fast-paced, technological environment, are not aware of them.

This year, 2023, Jamaica College celebrated Jamaica Day on Friday March 3. The sea of Jamaica colours flooded the school’s auditorium. The ‘Jamaican colours’ are those colours taken from the colours of the flag. Black depicts the strength and creativity of the people; Gold, the natural wealth and beauty of sunlight; and green, hope and agricultural resources.

The day began with an lower-school devotion in the KH Hendrickson Auditorium at 7:30 a.m. The guest speaker, Michael “ibo” Cooper, a JC old boy, founding member of the well-known Jamaican reggae band, Third World, addressed the students.

Displays of the “Old Jamaican way” included a typewriter, Chimmey, coal stove iron, antique chairs and more. The 1st to 3rd formers were intrigued, asked many questions and had our teachers from the humanities department beaming with responses.

Musical instruments of our ancestors. Later on we did have the sharing of current music, dance and fashion that will one day be referred to as ‘a thing of the past’

The teachers asked questions that often began with “did you know…”?
Students asked questions too…there was an instance where the student aske if the VCR plays DVDs. It was found that students who are living with their grandparents, could identify more with the items before them.
Click on the image to the left to hear what a student wondered.
Click HERE for a sample of our Blue Beat Gold medalists. Click on the image to the right for more of the drumming performance.

We saw the create side of the teachers, from fashion show to emcee, to singers, to acting like Jamaican well-known artists, to cooking Jamaican meal options for breakfast. The meal included ackee & Saltfish, Callaloo, Boiled bananas, Bammy and more.

The students had a treat. They enjoyed their day. There were questions that challenged their knowledge of Jamaica for spot prizes and phone credit. They were engaged and knew a little bit more of their culture by the end of the day.

The day closed with the Principal doing his performance… Click on the image to the left to catch a little of the Vybz
Big thanks to the Humanities’ Department, the Digital Arts Club for covering the event, the staff and students for the participation and support. Great day spent. Look out for next year!