JC Aim to Return to Spelling Bee

After a 32-year hiatus from having a representative at the St Andrew Parish Spelling Bee competition, Jamaica College plans to orchestrate a return to the prestigious competition. The College took the first step by hosting its internal competition among 8 first formers in the AudioVisual (AV) Room, formerly the Music Room.
Hosted by the Schools Challenge Quiz program and its faculty advisor, Mrs. Kimberley Ormbsy, the boys who competed were vying to represent the College at next year’s Parish Spelling Bee, and if successful, at the National Spelling Bee. The Gleaner-sponsored competition is usually suited for younger students at the primary- and prep school level, the boys were screened for the Under-14 age requirement. To prepare the boys, the SCQ program provided each boy with a Spelling Bee book 2 weeks before the start of the competition. The goal was to determine who would seize the time and take the initiative to study and become the next Spelling Bee champion and representative from Jamaica College.
A panel of three judges from the English department—Ms. Vanessa Smith, Ms. Sheniece Mills, and Ms. Coley-Ann Coleman—reigned over the competition. Their knowledge and expertise lent authority to the proceedings, while Mrs. Ormbsy quizzed the boys until they exhausted their three allotted chances and a winner was identified.

The October 25 competition demonstrated not only the students’ capacity for language but also their mental ability and sportsmanship. As they confronted these hurdles and conquered their nerves, the event became undoubtedly unforgettable for everyone involved.
After 8 rounds of intense spell-off, Rykhai Francis of 1A separated himself from the rest of the contestants to win the competition. The winning word QUORUM is of Greek origin and means ‘A minimum number of members to be present for a valid meeting’. Francis exuded calmness throughout the competition and demonstrated his prowess in retaining the words he studied. He eruditely noted, “Studying these words was a challenge, but I knew that the winner would go on to represent the school, so I did the extra studying with my mom and dorm mates, and it paid off.”

In a fierce competition, Francis bested fellow first-formers, DeAndre Smith of 1B, and Canaan Nelson of 1E. However, hoping to achieve greater success beyond 189 Old Hope Road, all 3 boys immediately connected and started studying the words in the Spelling Bee book. Meanwhile, the school eagerly awaits entry notification from the organizers at the Gleaner Company.
In his consolation of placing second, Smith reflected that he was caught up in a battle between nerves and wit. He nervously gazed at the audience before responding, as he tried to avoid hearing the words INCORRECT, which eventually came. Nonetheless, his demonstrated potential earned him the 1st runner-up prize and another opportunity to represent the College.
Principal Wayne Robinson congratulated all the participants. He noted that every endeavor to increase academic standing is well endorsed, and having first-formers compete in the Spelling Bee is a good starting point.
JC’s last Spelling Bee representative was Hari Rock of 1E in 1992. Now Mr Rock is planning a 2025 Reunion for his Class of 1995; he is also looking forward to having another reunion: Meeting the new corps of Champion spellers representing Jamaica College.