Students who pass their PEP/Entrance examinations for Jamaica College will be given a date to come in and fill out their registration information online under the supervision of the ICT team.
Students who wish to be transferred to JC must speak to the Dean of Student Affairs. Mrs. D. Walcott. There is a procedure that will be outlined. Do not apply online.
For 6th form applicants, follow the guidelines below:

Management has the right to interview any prospective student and potential 6th form student before a decision is made.
Welcome to your new educational home. We are happy that you will be a part of the True Blue family. We have prepared a few things to get you started.
- Explore the JC website to get an understanding of JC’s stakeholders and how we work together.
- Familiarize yourself with the School Rules (they are on the website and you will get a hard copy in a form of a note-sized handbook. Keep it for ease of reference.
- Be sure to speak to the Dean of Student Affairs (DOSA) who will give you the required registration forms to fill and return. Assist you with any diagnostic tests and evaluations required. Who will also pace you through online registration, requiring an ID and arranging any required interviews.
- Be sure to visit the System Administrator or her assistant, who will familiarize you with the online school management system and other expectations as it relates to systems and procedures. Please have ready an email address for both parents/guardians and the student before visiting the System Administrator.
Thanks and Welcome aboard.
Jamaica College acts in place of the parent while the student is in our care. The school is committed to offering academic and social programmes that will equip students for life. The school cannot work in isolation. It is therefore important that each party understand his/her role in this joint venture, and the role of the other parties.
Jamaica College agrees:
- to offer academic and social programmes that will equip the student for life;
- to give regular homework and ensure regularmarking of such homework;
- to do regular reporting of the boy’s progress;
- to provide a secure and well-disciplined environment for the student;
- to provide a supportive educational environment where the rights of individuals are protected;
- to foster a close working relationship with the parentor guardian so as to be able to work together with the boy;
- to guide, counsel, mentor andrespondto everystudent to the bestofourabilities, to ensure thathe will be successful, and to apply discipline where and when necessary;
- in meetings with parents/guardians to discuss their son/ward, the under- standing must be that everyone is treated with equal respect, that the discussions must be held between adults and that children will have their opportunity to participate; emotions must be contained, andwemust be able to discuss matters with respect forall concerned and
- to confirm that we have read and agree to the many regulations and requirements set out in this Handbook
As a Student of Jamaica College, I agree to:
- Attend school regularly and on time
- Always try my best with my class work and home work;
- Obey and abide by all the rules of the school;
- Interact with teachers in the best manner and conduct myself in a way that will show the level of respect that is considered socially acceptable;
- Never show disrespect to any member of the school community (all adults and fellow students);
- Understand that while in uniform i represent the school family and must conduct myselfproperly;
- Work hard in all my school activities to become a functional, successful andvaluable memberof the school and, in the future, of the society.
- Having carefully read, understood, accept and agree to abide by the conditions, rulesand requirements setout in this handbook.
As Parent(s)/Guardian(s) I/we agree to:
- Ensure excellent attendance and punctuality of my/our boy;
- Ensure the correct school uniform is worn at all times;
- Encourage and support my/our child’s study, including checking home-work to ensure completion;
- Supporttherulesandpoliciesoftheschoolandensurethat they are reinforced athome;
- Treat all members of staff of the school with respect;
- Pay all fees on a timely basis;
- Understand that the school will guide, counsel, mentor and respond to every student to the best of its abilities to ensure that the boysaresuccessful, and that disciplinewill be applied when necessary;
- Attend meetings called at the school to discuss my/our child’s welfare;
- Meet with the school to discuss my/our child, the understanding must be that everyone is treated with equal respect, that the discussions must be heldbetween adults andthatchildrenwillhavetheiropportunitytoparticipate; emotions must be contained, and we must be able to discuss matters with respect for all concerned.
- Attend, participate in and support the meetings and activities of the parent teachers’ association
- Having carefully read, understood, accept and agree to the conditions, rules and requirements set out in this handbook or any other rule the school may add at any time.