Juniors Join JC Quiz Program
After a remarkable third place finish in this year’s Schools’ Challenge Quiz competition, JC wasted no time in resuming quiz training. However, this time emphasis was placed on the development of junior players.
Buoyed by Team Coach Chanarie Lindsay’s vision of sustained success at Jamaica College, a few young players have taken on the challenge to compete for a spot next season. They hope to increase their knowledge, wit and speed, by capitalizing on some early training while their senior counterparts are busy preparing for external exams.

Coach Lindsay notes, “These junior players have shown the aptitude to be quiz players. With the right attitude and dedication, they’ll grow into serious quiz players.”
[Picture to the left – Top 3 performers in First form]
Of these junior players, first former and Honor Roll student, Christoff Legister, stands out. He has never missed training and is on track to complete his quiz study files. He adds, “I love quiz and am eager to represent JC whenever Coach Lindsay calls my name.”
His training partner and classmate, Jaiden Gordon expresses the same sentiment: “My goal is to train hard enough to earn my spot in the team.”
With last year’s summer camp under their belt, second formers, Kishan Hylton and Naheem Bryan will have to fight to ward off these promising first formers. Another first former, Tajrae Nicholson, also plans to compete for a spot, and sees winning inter-form quiz as a first big step. He claims, “1E will take home the Inter-form trophy this year.”
Picture to the right – Last year Inter-Form quiz winners
(Front – Naheem Bryan and Kishan Hylton)

These juniors are keen to seize the opportunity to demonstrate their quiz prowess. Inter-form quiz starts in May, and both Legister and Gordon expect to bring home the winning trophy for their class – 1A. Overall, inter-form quiz for the lower school (1st to 3rd form) will provide the coach the opportunity to internally scope out and develop young burgeoning talent at the College.

Christoff Legister receiving his Honour Roll award from Principal Robinson
Following the completion of inter-form quiz, the boys will continue training until they’re joined by the senior players for summer camp. This hybrid of senior and junior players in training will pave the way for JC to become a competitive quiz team for many years. But the question remains: Who will be the breakout junior player(s) to make a future team? Only their hardwork will tell.