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Congratulation Orville Daley

Orville Daley, a Jamaica College graduate, has been named the top matriculant for the 2023/2024 academic year at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. Daley, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics and Computer Science, secured a full UWI Open scholarship with 10 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) subjects and 13 Cape Units, 12 with straight A-profiles.

Daley is from a humble background and grew up in Waterhouse, a tough, low-income community in Kingston. He is the first generation in his family to attend university. Despite the challenges he faced, Daley excelled academically throughout his time at Jamaica College. He was a member of the school’s robotics team and participated in several international competitions.

Daley is a talented student with a passion for science and technology. He aspires to become an environmental robotics software engineer. He aims to address pressing environmental challenges such as pollution and promote sustainable development through the use of eco-friendly materials.

Daley is a role model for inner-city youth and shows that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Jamaica College is proud of his accomplishments and wishes him all the best in his future endeavors.

See full article on loop news here

Another article of commendation, click HERE